SEMRush 收購了 Backlinko,創辦人 Brian Dean 確認了! by 貓熊先生 2022 年 1 月 20 日 2022 年 1 月 20 日 1.7K SEMRush 收購了 Backlinko 今天 SEO 圈最大事可能就是 SEMRush 收購了 Backlinko,Backlinko 的創辦人 Brian Dean 無庸置疑是個 SEO 高手,他在 Backlinko 網站寫的文章都非常有見解,也非常優質,貓熊先生也經常看。 Brian Dean 本身也有提供電子報的服務,今天稍早他也傳了一封確認信,向大家傳達他將 Backlinko 賣給了 SEMRush,以下是全文。 Brian Dean 確認 SEMRush 收購了 Backlinko 的確認信 以下是 Brian Dean 的全文聲明。 Hey, Semrush has acquired Backlinko! I'm thrilled to be working with Semrush to take Backlinko to the next level. You can read the official announcement right here. And here's the full backstory: Over the last few years I've been focusing A LOT on scaling Backlinko. Thanks to the small team of talented folks that I built around me, I was able to scale things up. But around this time last year I realized that I took Backlinko as far as I could on my own. And to REALLY scale up, I'd need to make big changes to the business. Then, out of the blue, I got an email that changed everything. The email was from Max Roslyakov, SVP of marketing at Semrush. His email said: "Let me be direct and to the point, like your famous emails. Backlinko is one of the best online resources for Content Marketing. Semrush is seeking acquisition targets. Let me know if you are interested to discuss it further." I had received my fair share of acquisition offers in the past. But I always turned them down. Backlinko was my baby. I built the site from scratch into one of the biggest marketing blogs online. So I was super reluctant to sell it. But I took the call anyway. And I'm sure glad I did! Within a few days, we had the outline of a deal jotted down. And, after about 3 months, the deal closed. (3 months may seem like a long time. But as Max put it: "3 months between the first e-mail from me and the signed deal for a multi-million transaction with a US public company is super fast.") Needless to say, I'm super excited about the deal! So, what's next for me and Backlinko? As part of my agreement with Semrush, I'll still be working on Backlinko for the foreseeable future on a part-time basis. (You weren't going to get rid of me that easy :-D) Which means you can expect more guides, newsletters, courses and more in the future. I want to close by saying "thank you!" to everyone who supported me over the years. Growing Backlinko has been one of the proudest achievements of my life. And it wouldn't have been possible without your support. Thank you for that! Oh, and I'll be answering questions about the deal on Twitter. So feel free to join the discussion there. Talk Soon, Brian 我想我們都會很懷念有 Brian Dean 的 Backlinko 的那個年代,雖然他也說他會以兼職的形式繼續留在 Backlinko,但也許他哪天就去創辦下一個事業了也說不定。 在感慨之餘,不妨趕緊來將 SEO 學好吧,貓熊先生寫的下面這篇超完整文章就是非常好的開始。 SEO 搜尋引擎優化教學指南 BacklinkoBrian DeanSEMRush